Founded in 1987, BlazeTech, an engineering consulting firm based in Woburn, MA, provides research and development, modeling and simulation, and expert witness services. Our forte is in bridging the gap between theory and practice to solve real problems and develop software and advanced technologies in a timely and cost-effec- tive manner. Technology development includes conceptual designs, proof-of-concept tests, proto- type development, field testing, and analysis.
- Environmental safety
- Fire and explosion consulting
- Aircraft survivability and vulnerability
- Risk Assessments
- Safety and Security in Industry
- Databases
- Energy
- Waste Management
Environmental Safety
- Reactive dispersion using Atmospheric Dispersion Of Reactive Agents (ADORA) model
- Off-site consequence analysis for Risk Management Planning (RMP)
- Emissions from industrial conflagrations, rocket launch operations, forest fires, chemical warehouses, and rail cars
- Emissions from Open Burn Open Detonation (OBOD) of munitions and wastes for Toxic Release
- Inventory (TRI) reporting and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permitting
- Formation and dispersion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and PM2.5 from high temperature reactions
- Atmospheric dispersion of chemical and biological warfare agents (Chembio)
- Customization of air quality codes for air quality assessment
- Particle Size Distribution (PSD) and National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
- Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for new products
Fire and explosion consulting
- Models for pool fire, jet fire, spray fire, smoldering fire, BLEVE, vapor cloud fires and explosions, vapor pressure explosions and tank crack
- Structural response to fire and explosion
- Assessment of detection and suppression systems
- Deflagration of ethers and organic peroxides
- Accident modeling
- Tunnel fires and fires in rapid transit systems
- Fire safety in rail transit vehicles
- Class D metal fires such as magnesium, aluminum, and titanium
- Hydrogen safety
Aircraft survivability and vulnerability
- Hydrodynamic ram and ullage explosion protection systems for fuel tanks (FuelShieldTM)
- Customization of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and high speed impact codes
- Shock attenuation by bubbly media
- Construction of a prototype for micro-air distribution in liquid media
- Full scale fire tests in engine and dry bays of F-18 and AV8-B
- Damage induced by high speed impact on aircraft structures
Risk Assessments
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of a variety of industrial and transportation hazards using specialized in-house tools on advanced fault-trees, consequence analyses to handle cascading or domino effects and risk/cost/benefit analyses to judge acceptability.
- Technology Risk Assessment -- BlazeTech has forewarned about the impact of novel technologies on the survivability of businesses. For example: the advent of inerting has precluded the use of polymeric foams in fuel tanks; the advent of a fire blocking layer has precluded the need for advanced thermally-stable materials in aircraft seat design; depleting oil reserves and global warming have been changing the landscape for coal utilization; particle characterization by optical methods has surpassed mechanical methods and the use of polarized light is revolutionizing the field.
Safety and Security in Industry
- Terrorist initiated fires and explosions in industrial storage facilities
- Fire and explosion in chemical, biological and radiological warfare agent facilities
- Safety and security assessment in power generation and chemical process industry
- Assessment of fire and explosion detection and suppression systems
- Munitions R&D
- Shock to flame/detonation transition
- Insensitive munitions
- High speed impacts and structural dynamics
- Impact induced shock heating and ignition
- Hot spot formation mechanisms including viscoplastic heating, pore compression, dislocation pile-up
- electrostatic discharge, and crack propagation during shock loading
- Properties of fuels, propellants, explosives, and energetic materials
- Chemical reaction kinetics of halogenated compounds with moisture
- Rate kinetics for oxidation and pyrolysis of toxic industrial chemicals
- Thermochemical properties of extremely toxic chemicals
- Development of a low NOx coal burner
- Development of an advanced fluidized bed burner
- Development of a CFD code for 3-D multiphase flows with combustion
- Energy audits of food, chemical, petroleum, and power plants
- Field demonstration of renewable energy technologies such as solar process heat, small wind turbines, and photovoltaics
Waste Management
- Development of pollution treatment technologies
- Feasibility studies for pollution control
- Solid waste management
- Groundwater treatment
- Air pollution and odor control